PVC Wall panels

PVC Wall panels

Plast Commerce 93 has been producing PVC wall panels since 2004. Our paneling has a universal application – it is suitable for building walls and ceilings of bathrooms, kitchens, corridors, living rooms, terraces, offices, shops, gas stations, halls, warehouses, workshops, repair shops, car washes, garages, basements, mobile homes, etc. The PVC paneling produced by us has a certificate of non-combustibility, as well as a health assessment of the applicability of walls and ceilings in rooms for the food industry.

Main advantages and qualities of PVC panels

  • Easy and fast installation – They are light, do not require special tools for installation, save time and money for labor and repair. The paneling can be glued directly to the wall or attached to a wooden or metal mounting grille
  • Easy maintenance, washable – clean with a damp cloth, glass cleaner or other soft non-abrasive detergent
  • Universal application – suitable for decorative walls and ceilings of all rooms.
  • Robust and weather resistant – made of high quality PVC
  • Waterproof – The material does not change under the influence of moisture, does not favor the development of mold, so it is ideal for wet rooms and humid environments (bathrooms, toilets, kitchens, garages)
  • Noise and heat insulating
  • Sun resistant – uv stability
  PVC Облицовка   Пласт Комерс 93″ ООД  произвежда плоскости с широчина 125мм и 200мм и основна дължина 2,6м

  • Paneling of 200 mm without joint
Ламперия на 200 мм без фуга

Paneling of 200 mm without joint

  • 200 mm paneling with joint
Ламперия на 200мм с фуга

200 mm paneling with joint

  • 125 mm paneling with joint
Ламперия на 125мм с фуга

125 mm paneling with joint

On request, the enterprise can produce paneling of varying lengths and colors on request.

Completing profiles

  • Closing profile – mounted at the end of the panel
Завършващ профил

Closing profile


  • Corner profile (internal / external) – used for both interior and exterior corners. It is mounted before the panel.
Ъглов профил (вътрешен външен)

Corner profile (internal / external)

  • Connecting profile – variable angle – it is used for connection in case of insufficient length of the PVC paneling, or for connection of horizontal with vertical panels. It can also be used for sharp and obtuse angles.
Свързващ профил - променлив ъгъл

Connecting profile – variable angle

  • L-shaped profile (angle) – applies to interior and exterior corners.

A = 15см., 17см. и 20см.

Г-образен профил (винкел)

L-shaped profile

* Colors can be produced on request according to the customer’s taste For offers please contact us

    Свържете се с нас на телефон +359 888 59 75 80 или чрез контактната форма

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